
Wednesday 30 May 2007

Anti Israeli Academics

Just when you would have thought that the traditional UK left wing Marxist University Lecturer had died out, bowed down by the weight of historical evidence of how wrong they were in their political views ....
UK Academics Boycott Israel
UK Academics Boycott Israel
....they re-emerge as pro-Islamic, and possibly anti-Semites of the worst kind.
First, the lecturers represented by the University and College Lecturers decided that they would not co-operate with the security forces, by reporting any signs of Islamic Fundamentalism on campuses. This, despite the fact that:
  1. Nearly every one of the arrested or dead terrorists in the UK so far, has been to college or university, and appears to have picked up their first strands of their Islamic fundamentalism, whilst at these educational establishments.
  2. The infiltration of colleges and prisons by Islamic extremists has been well documented, by both the television, and the written press. But apparently the cowardly ostriches of the UCL have decided that the evidence of this, and their own eyes (if they ever look up out of the public funded pig trough), is not enough.
Possibly for fear of possible Muslim threats, they have decided to put their morals, if they ever had any, to one side, and just go into denial mode. Ironically the Jews in Germany kept denying the evidence of their own eyes, until they were in the death camps. “Mein Kampf” was written in the 1920’s, but academics refused to believe its sentiments. Radical Islam is being driven by an even older creed.

The UK university lecturers are a group who, in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, were still sending messages of praise for “Soviet science” until they had their noses rubbed into the truth about the Gulags, by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and Andrei Sakharov and others. They also were the recruiting sergeants for most of the Soviet spies in the UK, men who were responsible for thousands of deaths over the decades.

This alone you would have thought, would have made them wary of entering political opinions, but no, they decided to follow this first anti security services motion up, with another announcing the boycotting of all Israeli academics (in a manner similar to the “*sports boycott of South Africa”).

So lets review the afternoons work by the “brothers and sisters” of academia. These classroom warriors have decided to
  • Not report any signs of the 'Radicalisation' of students on the campuses, despite the evidence that there are problems.
  • Boycott Jewish academics and establishments (despite the fact that these are the organisations most like themselves in both moral and political stances). In fairness, I should point out that this motion has to go to the general membership, and is likely to be defeated.
The proposer of the motion to boycott Jewish academia, philosophy lecturer at Brighton University, Tom Hickey, described the Israeli occupation as “Barbaric”. He seems to have missed the fact that Gaza is not "occupied" or the seizure of a BBC journalist in Gaza, or the civil war between the Fatah and Hamas gunmen in Gaza, or the rockets being fired daily from Gaza into Israel, or, well do I need to go on? These apparently are not the acts of a “barbaric” society, only Israel is described as “barbaric”.... about what you might expect from a "philosophy teacher".

Maybe the lecturers who voted for this motion should reflect that in Iran, secular or non radical academics are being expelled from universities by a theocratic regime. Do they think that Palestinian Hamas is a freedom loving, educated, democratic organisation? Maybe they missed the reports that these are a bunch of bearded murderers, who rape, behead, and torture their kidnap victims?

And just in case you think this is an isolated example of Anti-Israeli sentiments holding sway in our lecturers. A couple of years ago the Association of University Teachers voted to boycott Israeli colleges, this was overturned by the full membership, but what a sign of the manner in which anti-Israeli, and possibly Anti-Semitism have entered the main stream of the union “activists” of academia.

So, what does this show us about the fall into moral turpitude of the UK left wing academics?

Well obviously there is an element of anti Israeli sentiment that still runs through UK academia (this was a well known Anti-Semite sentiment in earlier times, before the Second World War … see film, Chariots of Fire, for illustration of attitudes).

The Left-Wing has always been ambivalent towards Judaism and Israel, on one hand most early left-wing intellectuals were Jewish (both in communism and socialism e.g Marx and Engels), and indeed the founders of Israel were European socialists of the old school. Kibbutzim is a sort of ideal of pure communism, which never got off the ground elsewhere, but, and there is always ‘a but’, the idea of an Israeli state has always been a “problem” for the left.

For a brief period in the “swinging 60’s” support for the Jewish state was common amongst intellectuals, but then they did something stupid, they refused to be annihilated by Arab armies in 1967, and again in 1973, and that seemed to changed left wing academic opinion. All those Soviet backed Arab states, humiliated by one small Jewish state seemed to change moral stances, and since then attacking Israel and Jewish opinions was suddenly OK.

No doubt the latest decision will be over turned by the main membership of the UCL, but the fact that so many delegates got an intellectual "stiffy” over backing the motion(s), is a sign of how low the moral climate has sunk in what passes for academia these days.

Minor update: Yesterday I heard film director Mike Leigh describe Israel "as a pretty scary state," and comparable in this regard to Iran, which coming from a director with Jewish antecedents, is a pretty dismal statement. It confirms that there is a trend of anti-zionism on the far left that nothing, not even birth links can break. Choosing between Iran and Israel I know which country I would live in.

* London School of Economics delegate Mike Cushman said: "Universities are to Israel what the Springboks were to South Africa - a symbol of their national identity."

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