
Sunday 6 June 2010

Catholic Bishop Murdered In Turkey

In another of what seems to be a regular series of attacks and murders of Christians in Turkey in the name of Allah .....

Roman Catholic Apostolic Vicariate of Anatolia
Roman Catholic Apostolic Vicariate of Anatolia

 ....... the Bishop of the Roman Catholic Apostolic Vicariate of Anatolia in Turkey, Monseigneur Luigi Padovese was murdered by a Muslim employee on the Thursday the 3rd of June this year.

Naturally this terrible crime was not reported as a main story in the Western Press (imagine if it had been a Mullah in the UK, what sort of coverage would the BBC have given it?), so it was only a mention in another story that I was made aware of it. As usual in these stories the attacker said that he was doing so following a personal message from Allah, stating that the Bishop was "the false messiah" (Masih ad-Dajjal). He was heard to chant "Allāhu Akbar" (God Is Great) as repeatedly stabbed the defenceless Bishop.

Whilst the Pope has publicly raised the matter publicly, not one Western Politician has said a word about the matter. Compare and contrast the response of these same politicians to the deaths of Islamic "Protesters" on a Boat. There are simply two sets of rules applied, if Muslims are killed by Non-Muslims, then the western politicians have to make lots of noises about 'toleration for Islam', while when Christians or Jews are casually slaughtered in Muslim lands, they say nothing. 

This is not the first time Christians have been killed in Turkey, which has a long tradition of killing non Muslims stretching back through the pogroms in Ottoman times, then in the post Ottoman period, right through attacks in Constantinople, to the attack on the Pope, and to attacks in the last few years, where other Christian priests have been killed, and even threats to the current Pope.

Always its blamed on individuals who have 'psychological' problems. This is palpable nonsense .... one of the killers and his mother were so proud of killing a priest as he prayed, that they stated that the act "was committed in the name of Allah and was a gift to the state and the nation". We have individuals who have similar mental problems in the UK and West, but they don't regularly kill Muslims in the name of God ... the real answer is that it is considered to be praiseworthy amongst Islamists to kill Non-Muslims in 'defence of Allah', or the Prophet, etc etc, and so these attacks can be morally justified in many quarters.

How on earth can anyone really still believe that Turkey is a European country? There are less than 100,000 Christians left in Turkey (in 1900 it was several million Greeks, Armenians, and Syriacs) ..... all have been killed or fled.

How then can they claim to uphold "Common European" values by committing religious persecution?


  1. Its a non subject in the West .... we failed to defend Christians in the Middle East from Ottoman Turk attacks when we had the muscle to do so i.e. Victorian times (we even defended the Turks against Russian Orthodox Christians when they tried to reconquer old Christian lands in Europe and Constantinople), and so they were eradicated.

    Its too late now, and soon we may have to stand aside as Western Christians get similar treatment ... the exodus of Jews from europe is a sign of what could happen next.

  2. In the long term Europe may become a part of the Muslim caliphate .... not sure its a certainty yet though.


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