
Saturday 30 October 2010

Two Faced Hypocrite

Harriet Harman is in my opinion the most detestable woman in British politics .... she was a key player in many of the New Labour Party's most divisive policies, from open Non EU immigration, to unequal 'Equality' measures, but always claimed that her anti-white, anti-male (white) laws were because she was fighting "Racism and Inequality" ..... even if it was all in her left wing PC head.

So she talked the 'equalities talk', and walked the 'equalities' walk while she was in in power ..... she even brought in "Quota" lists for the shadow cabinet .... only gender and skin colour, not abilities will count for the selection of the next possible Labour Government ministers ...

But now, after forcing us to use PC new-speak (under threat of criminal action or sacking if we spoke our minds), she suddenly calls a Scottish Liberal Coalition Minister and MP, Danny Alexander a "Ginger Rodent" ....

Danny Alexander A "Ginger Rodent"

Now that's not only an nasty little insult, but an ethnic slur on rodents ...... but of course we can only hold her to a different set of values than she would apply to me or you, or Tory MP's. Of course she later apologised ..... later being the operative word, but then the mud has stuck by then.

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