
Sunday 31 July 2011

Unbalanced Reactions?

On a side note, the attack by Anders Behring Breivik on the Norwegian Labour Party members made me consider the the reaction to this event.

Anders Behring Breivik - Self Styled Nazi
Anders Behring Breivik

We do seem to have different ways of dealing with the "Far Left" and the "Far Right" in the UK ....

For instance the 'Left' is not tarred with the brush of the atrocities carried out in the name of 'Socialism' in any countries. Whereas 'right wing' groups are not only tarred by the atrocities of the Nazi Party, but also subject to investigation for possible links with the lone gunman, from both the Government and of course the BBC, 'investigating'.

When Stalin killed millions in Russia in the 1930's, and again in the 1950's, we didn't purge the communist party of Great Britain (nor did the BBC investigate), even though there were clear and direct links between Moscow and them. In fact we ended up with the communist spy's Philby, Burgess, Blunt, and Maclean and others, mainly because we sat back and let these groups operate freely in the UK. Similarly, when Chairman Mao killed 40 to 70 millions in China, we didn't purge the 'Maoist' groups in the UK, although again there were direct links with Beijing.

The logic behind this illogical response was that we couldn't link the ideologies and beliefs, with the odd lunatic who killed millions in their name ... but as Stalin is popularly believed to have said "The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is merely a statistic".

So there are also markedly more 'left wing' parties in the UK .... which could simply reflect the 'Splittist' nature of the 'Left', or that they are more of a threat than the 'Right' ... but you would never guess this from the reactions when a perceived 'right winger' goes mad and kills ... however its arguable that the left has far more blood on its hands (and continues to have so in North Korea, China etc), from Stalin through to Pol Pot's Khymer experiment to the current North Korea, than any right leaning groups.

Remember that even Adolf Hitler thought that his National Socialism party was socialist in some of its nature, with state controls over the means of production, and the workers wages ... he even welcomed converts from communist parties as he said “There is more that binds us to Bolshevism than separates us from it” ...

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