
Sunday 2 October 2011

American Xtremist

John Lindh (aka John 'Walker' Lindh) was arrested by US forces in Afghanistan when they invaded (or liberated) it in November 2001 .... he had gone there in May 2001 to fight with the Taliban against the non Taliban forces, after he had converted to Islam in 1997.

He received two months of military training at the Osama Bin Laden financed al-Farouq training camp, and twice met the al-Qaeda leader (but his father Frank Lindh denies his son had anything to do with terrorism) ... this is the same father who apparently was undisturbed when his son converted to Islam, went to Yemen, and then went to Pakistan to 'further his studies'.. "I trust your judgment and hope you have a wonderful adventure", was his quoted comment to his son.

American Taliban
In other words, Lindh is at best naively stupid, and at worst a traitor to his country .... he got a twenty year sentence, when many wanted him shot .... his father now wants a presidential clemency for his son. This is not going to happen, except possibly if a two term President uses his traditional powers to do so as they leave office.

Mr Lindh should possibly just be grateful his son is still alive. All things considered, that's something of a miracle in itself.


  1. This idea that you can do wrong, then say 'Oops I'm sorry', and that somehow excuses you from your own judgement errors, is a strangely modern western one.

    I have made mistakes, and had to live with them, but we now have a 'no blame, no condemnation' culture. Its why we are losing the battle for the ideology for this century after setting the agenda of the last two.

  2. If he had been in the UK, not only would he not have been jailed, but he would have won a large amount of money for having his 'Human Right' to kill British soldiers interfered with.

    At least the Americans have the strength of character not to have succumbed to the PC madness of the UK.


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