Anyone who visits this Blog knows that I never turn away from a Superhero story .... there are Ninjas, Darth Vaders, various Spidermen, Ninja Turtles, Self made super heroes, Batman and others ..... but I think I've only had the man of steel once, yes, Superman!
Apparently his alter ego in this instance wasn't mild the mannered Clark Kent, but the more proactive Luke Junior. He was wearing the distinctive blue and red caped outfit, as he took part in a charity fund-raising event outside a shop, when he happened to notice a shop lifter with his swag, running out of the store and being chased by staff.
He rushed across and apprehended the thief and made a citizen’s arrest.
The families in the street cheered his heroics, and while the man was arrested and taken away in handcuffs, the Superman theme music was played in the background over the charity event’s PA system.
"When the adrenaline finally stopped, then I realised I was still dressed as Superman and I've not lived it down since," Mr Junior said.
Apparently his alter ego in this instance wasn't mild the mannered Clark Kent, but the more proactive Luke Junior. He was wearing the distinctive blue and red caped outfit, as he took part in a charity fund-raising event outside a shop, when he happened to notice a shop lifter with his swag, running out of the store and being chased by staff.
He rushed across and apprehended the thief and made a citizen’s arrest.
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Faster Than A Speeding Bullet - Superman To The rescue |
The families in the street cheered his heroics, and while the man was arrested and taken away in handcuffs, the Superman theme music was played in the background over the charity event’s PA system.
"When the adrenaline finally stopped, then I realised I was still dressed as Superman and I've not lived it down since," Mr Junior said.
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