Sunday 30 November 2008

Heather Jansch

Wow, what can I say but .... Magnificent!

The pictures say it all ...................... drift wood and bronze sculptures of exquisite design and skill executed by Heather Jansch, a UK Sculptress (who strangely has no Wiki page).

Heather Jansch Wood and Bronze Horse Sculptures

Heather Jansch Wood and Bronze Horse Sculptures

Heather Jansch Wood and Bronze Horse Sculptures

Heather Jansch Wood and Bronze Horse Sculptures

Heather Jansch Wood and Bronze Horse Sculptures

Compare and contrast with the "award" nominated works of Tracey Emin's ..... the art establishment should consider what will have value in 300 yrs, one of these beautiful works, or a 'dirty bed, used condoms and knickers'.

I think the answer is pretty bloody obvious to anyone except a Turner prize judge.


  1. Gosh, they are beautiful!

  2. Do go and see the real thing if you ever get a chance - Heather's horses have such presence - you expect them to move!

    (Her website is now: )


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