
Friday 20 October 2017

Frozen Food

This whale died on Wrangel island in the Russian Arctic, where hundreds of polar bears over summer while waiting for the ice sheets to form.

Frozen Food .... Bears Feast On A Whale
Frozen Food .... But Not Iceland Style
So when this unexpected bounty turned up, well over 200 polar bears were drawn by the smell and a free-for-all took place .... Polar bears, birds, sharks and even killer whales attack. So whales that die on the seashore, they don't last all that long as the large predators move in.

But when a Bowhead whales dies and sinks to the ocean bottom, they are the foodstuff for entire ecosystems for weeks if not months ....

Nature takes advantage of everything, even a rain of flesh protein pouring down onto the seabed from the sea sky above. What is a tragedy for a whale, is manna from heaven for countless other creatures.

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