
Friday 23 March 2018

Et Voilà ... Blog View Record

We are patting our own backs this week at PC Towers ......

Landmark Congratulations And Jubilations
Landmark Congratulations And Jubilations
.... this because we apparently reached, and then surpassed, a small web landmark.

Yes, we seemingly reached, and then passed the 500,000 blog views landmark. Who would have thunk it .... more than half a million hits. WOW ..... but of course there's a catch.

A couple of weeks ago, we were still 10,000 views below that figure, which to be honest, at about 100 - 200 hits a day, meant the 500,000 figure was some time off being reached. But then ....
  • Pageviews today 6,735
  • Pageviews yesterday 6,190
  • Pageviews last month 16,937
  • Pageviews all time history 505,385 

..... happened yesterday, and again today. 'Et Voilà' .... record passed.

I assume that some sort of Spamming or DOS attack occurred, which didn't impact the actual posts viewed, but triggered the view counter. 

Bad Guys On Web Sometimes  Have Surprisingly Odd Impacts.
Bad Guys On Web Sometimes Have Surprisingly Odd Impacts

Now I will probably never know when the real 500,000th visit occurs (but probably sometime sooner rather than later) .... so I may as well celebrate this small web event today.


  1. Well done. Not a follower but regular visitor.

    1. Many thanks. As I said the figures are somewhat distorted by the strange events last week. it wasn't one post going 'viral' (I have only had one post ever do a mini viral when it got 3,000 hits in one day), in fact no posts showed any unusual activity. Still I got a cheap post out of it, so not all bad!!

  2. Well done! No-PC deserves many more readers than it apparently gets and maybe one day they will come...

    I think your supporting cheerleaders are in a Quantum state of multi-positional flux - their moves don't seem to be of this Universe. It may be a lingering symptom of the cyber attack?

    1. Possibly! I appreciate your visible support Vroomfondel.


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